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Can Microwaves Go In Cupboards Or Cabinets?



Can Microwaves Go In Cupboards Or Cabinets


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The biggest challenge for any active cook is keeping the counter space clear and clutter-free because the more space, the easier it is to cook. However, there are numerous things that take up space on a countertop, including everything from cooking ingredients to appliances, not leaving much free area for meal prep.

Is there a shortage of space on your kitchen countertop? Are you wondering if you can keep your microwave oven in a cupboard or cabinet in the kitchen? 

Microwaves are meant for kitchen countertops, not everyone has that much space available. Cupboards and cabinets prove to be a great alternative space for your microwave, but you need to install the appliance safely to ensure ventilation, cleaning, and accessibility. 

While it might clear up space on the countertop and still ensure the appliance is easily accessible, you need to ensure that it is safe. Dive right in, and I will help you understand if and how you can place your microwave in a cabinet. 

Is It Safe To Place A Microwave In A Cabinet?

Yes, you can put a microwave inside a cabinet or cupboard, but you need to do it cautiously.

Installing an appliance like a microwave inside a cabinet will put it in an enclosed space, and it may cause some complications with ventilation, cleaning, and accessibility. Here it becomes vital to learn the right way to install the microwave.

Moreover, you need to be extra careful as a microwave may get hot. The appliance needs to be in an open space to ensure there is proper air circulation. If there isn’t enough free air in the cabinet, it can become easy for your microwave to catch fire.

What To Consider Before Placing Microwaves Inside Cabinets?

Now that you know you can keep your microwave in a cabinet or cupboard, you must be wondering how to do it safely. Well, here are a few things to consider to ensure you can place it safely: 


Ventilation is an essential thing to consider for all types of microwaves and ovens. Microwaves produce a lot of heat, which can get trapped in the enclosed space if there is no free space and can cause damage to your microwave and possibly the cabinet.

Before you move the microwave into a kitchen cabinet, ensure there is enough extra space on the sides for ventilation.

Besides that, you must also check every side of the microwave to locate vents that expel air.

If you feel putting the microwave inside the kitchen cabinet will affect the vents, you will have to look for an alternative spot.

Make sure the microwave vents aren’t covered or trapped inside the cabinet when you move it. 

Can Microwaves Go In Cupboards Or Cabinets - ventilation

Also, if your microwave is leaking then you need to get a professional or you can do it yourself by following our steps by steps guide.


The next thing you must keep in mind is accessibility. If you put the microwave in a spot that you cannot easily access, it can result in accidents as you may have to hold hot food right out of the microwave for too long.

You must ensure the cabinet is closer to the kitchen counter to have easy access. The cabinets shouldn’t be too high up either, as such locations can strain your neck. Instead, use a cabinet you can reach easily and without fuss.

Another thing to check for the accessibility of the cabinet is the doors. Make sure the doors open well, so it becomes easier for you to access the microwave. It will prove to be helpful, ensuring you don’t need to move the microwave around, an act that might decrease the appliance’s lifespan. 

In case the doors of the cabinet aren’t working well, you should call an expert to get them fixed.


Once you have the ventilation and accessibility figured out, the next thing you need to consider is cleaning the microwave. While you can easily clean the microwave oven if it is present right on the counter, doing so inside the cabinet can become complicated. 

Cleaning a microwave in the cabinet is tricky, especially since you won’t be able to get to the nooks and crannies.

Here you should take the microwave out after regular intervals to clean even the hidden corners.

This will not only increase the microwave’s lifespan but also help reduce the damage from not cleaning.

Trim Kits

While a wide cabinet or cupboard is ideal to ensure proper ventilation, the big gap will not look good.

However, you can take care of it by using a trim kit. It can enhance the microwave’s appearance and also offer protection from dust. 

Cleaning microwave

Make sure the trim kit you get fits well, and you can even get it from the manufacturer. They will fit perfectly since the manufacturers know the exact microwave size and type.


If you have kids at home, you have to be careful about placing a microwave inside a cabinet, especially if it is in a low part of the kitchen. The best solution here will be to keep the cabinet locked. 

When you are not using the microwave or not around the appliance, lock the cabinets, as kids playing around can result in an accident

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • What Kind Of Microwave Can Go In A Cabinet?

While a built-in microwave is best suited for cabinets, you can place a countertop or microwave oven in a cupboard as well, provided there is proper ventilation. 

  • How Much Ventilation Does A Microwave Need?

A microwave requires a minimum of 3 inches of space for ventilation. You must leave 3 inches on every side of the microwave, although the requirements may differ for every model. 


Microwaves are meant to be put on the kitchen countertop; however, depending on your kitchen and microwave, this setup might be tough. You may have other more important cooking essentials or appliances you want to place right on the countertop. 

In such a case, you can place the microwave inside a cabinet or cupboard in your kitchen to save up space on the countertop. 

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