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Utopia Kitchen 34 Ounce French Press Espresso and Tea Maker Review



Utopia Kitchen 34 Ounce French Press Espresso and Tea Maker


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Product Overview
  • Design
  • Performance
  • Features
  • Value for money
  • Easy to use
  • Quality


The Utopia Kitchen 34 Ounce French Press Espresso comes in different colors and it’s great at making both coffee and tea. However, it can be hard to clean, especially for new press users. Therefore, you need to be self-awareness when using it. 


  • Comes in three bright colors besides classic black
  • Effective in making both coffee and tea
  • No-frills and easy to use for speed and convenience
  • Pocket-friendly appliance that makes great coffee
  • Easy to pour and excellent seal with no spillage


  • May be hard to clean, especially for new press users
  • Thin appearance of the glass body

There’s something magical about the aroma of a fresh brew. And nothing can beat the traditional way of brewing tea and coffee. The process becomes easier with a French Press – like the Utopia Kitchen 34 Ounce French Press Espresso and Tea Maker.

The Utopia Kitchen French Press is an excellent 34oz vessel for brewing coffee the traditional way. It can also make delicious tea from loose leaves. Its plunger has multiple filters and channels that help deliver a smooth, clear beverage – every time! 

Is the Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press worth the price? What are its amazing features? I’m going to tell you all about this device today!

Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press Coffee and Tea Maker – Features I Loved

The Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press is a popular coffee and tea maker, thanks to its size, quality, and user-friendly design.

It has everything you could ask for in a personal French Press. Here are the features that I loved in this beverage maker –

a) Heat Resistant Glass Carafe

This appliance is made of borosilicate glass that can withstand extreme heat and cold. It can handle between 5F to 302F without cracking, melting, or undergoing any damage.

The standard temperature of water used for coffee is around 195F, while tea-brewing needs 175F-212F. So this vessel is safe. The brand claims it undergoes 50+ tests.

b) High-Quality Structure

In addition to the premium glass used for making the carafe, the other materials are of high quality. The lid, plunger, and filter system are made of 304-tested stainless steel. 

On the other hand, BPA-free plastic has been used to make the frame and the handle.

Altogether, it is crafted to last long – and its quality is evident in its look and feel.

c) Effective Filtration  

This French Press is equipped to provide impressive filtration to give you unparalleled smoothness in every sip of your brew. This is because of the four-filter sieve system. 

Plus, the 100-lattice channels ensure that coarse and medium-sized particles don’t get the chance to seep into the liquid. It’s also ideal for separating tea leaves from the brew.

Should You Buy the Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press?

Almost every modern kitchen in a busy home has an electric coffee maker. Tea bags and instant coffee powder are common in the pantry. But if you’re like me, you probably like to set aside technological advancements or shortcuts when it comes to a good brew. 

That’s where the Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press steps in. This vessel is ideal for making up to four 8oz cups of beverage. So, it’s excellent for personal use. It’s also great for couples or small families that enjoy the authentic taste of homemade beverages.

Though metal carafes can last longer, I prefer this handy machine with the glass carafe. This is simply for the childlike joy I experience as I watch the water change color. Plus, the carafe is made of high-quality glass that doesn’t interfere with the beverage’s flavor.

The brand itself recommends that you use coarse grounds. But you will be quite impressed by the efficiency of filtration this appliance provides with medium grounds. Altogether, it’s a great divide for making both tea and coffee that taste incredible at an affordable price.

How to Make Tea Using Utopia Kitchen French Press Espresso and Tea Maker

As you can understand from the name of the product, the Utopia Kitchen French Press can make both coffee and tea.

If you love fresh tea brewed using whole leaves, this vessel can help you. So, here’s how you can make four 8-oz cups of tea in it:

  • Pre-Warm the French Press

Pour hot water into the French Press and let it sit for a while. This will ensure that the brew water temperature doesn’t drop when you pour it into the beaker or while the tea brews. Once the carafe feels warm to the touch, pour out the hot water.

  • Measure the Leaves

Put tea leaves into the vessel. Ideally, you should use a little more than 1 tsp of tea leaves for each 8oz cup of tea.

So, you can use 4.5-5 tsp of tea leaves to make 4 cups of tea and use the maximum capacity of this French Press.

  • Add Hot Water

Pour boiled water into the pot. For each cup of tea, you need to pour 8 oz of hot water. So, if you want to brew 4 cups in your French Press, you need 32 oz of water. The temperature can be 175F-212F, depending on the tea variety.

  • Let it Steep

Cover the pot with the lid of the French Press and allow the leaves to steep. This can take anything between 2-8 minutes, depending on what kind of leaves you use.

During this time, pour hot water into your serving cups for pre-warming.  

  • Strain Your Brew

Once your brew is ready, press down the plunger in the lid of the French Press. This will separate the leaves from the liquid, pushing them down to the bottom. Then, pour the freshly-brewed tea into your pre-warmed cups – and enjoy!

To find out more about the correct water temperature and steeping time for different types of tea, click here. But what about coffee? How can you make espresso in the Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press?

To make four 8oz cups of coffee, pre-warm the French Press with hot water in it for a while and drain the pot.

Add 8 tbsp of coffee and 32 oz of water heated to 195F – and put the lid on. After 4 min, press the plunger – and your coffee is ready to pour!

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Can you use coffee grounds and beans in the Utopia Kitchen French Press?

To make coffee in the Utopia Kitchen French Press, you have to use coffee grounds. It is recommended that you use coarse or medium grounds if you want a smooth drink.

Beans that are finely ground might slip through the holes in the sieve system and make coffee gritty.  

2. Can you heat water in the Utopia Kitchen French Press in a microwave oven?

Utopia Kitchen makes no claims regarding the microwave-safe status of its 34oz French Press. The carafe is made of Borosilicate glass to handle high heat.

But the non-detachable plastic handle and frame can melt when exposed to high heat in the microwave. 

3. How can you clean the filter in the Utopia Kitchen French Press?

The Utopia Kitchen French Press filter is easy to clean. Unscrew the stem of the plunger to separate the pieces of the attachment.

There are four pieces in this sieve system, including the mesh filter. Wash the parts with dishwashing detergent and water – and reassemble.    

4. How many cups of coffee does the Utopia Kitchen 34oz French Press make? 

The 34-ounce variant of the Utopia Kitchen French Press makes 4-8 servings of coffee, depending on the quantity of each serving.

If you want a usual 4oz cup of coffee, it will make you eight cups. But if you prefer a standard mug of 8oz, this vessel will make four of them.

Final Words

If you prefer the old-school path to making brews, the Utopia Kitchen 34 Ounce French Press Espresso and Tea Maker is for you.

You’ll love watching the coffee grounds or tea leaves infuse their flavors into the water, slowly changing their color to brew your elixir!

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